Playshare is a curated compendium of plays suitable for youth theatre groups and available through Youth Theatre Ireland.
These include one-acts, issue-based dramas, comedies, classical adaptations, plus several pantomimes and musicals. All Playshare scripts have been written specifically for young people. They vary in length, content and style, and all have been produced by a youth theatre or similar group, at least once. Search for a play for your class or youth group from our library! You can still find the full list of Playshare plays in PDF format.
If you would like more information or to read a sample or full length version of a play in the collection, please contact National Programme Co-Ordinator Rebecca Feely. Please allow up to 7 business days for a response to your Playshare enquiry.
Access to read samples or full length plays is free, but you must contact the playwright to acquire the performance rights to produce the play (or scenes from it).
Find out more information about submitting a play to Playshare.