Established in 2017 under the title of Youth Board, Soundboard is a project focussed on helping us ensure that the Youth Theatre Ireland programme of work is youth-led and relevant. The memvers of Soundboard help to provide strategic leadership to the team at Youth Theatre Ireland by sharing their first-hand knowledge about the needs and interests of young people in the context of youth theatre.
What does Soundbaord do?
- Advise Youth Theatre Ireland on a range of topics
- Input into Youth Theatre Ireland’s long and short term planning in an advisory capacity
- Suggest and contribute to the design of new and existing initiatives and projects
- Preserve a consistent youth perspective in Youth Theatre Ireland.
- Act as ambassadors for Youth Theatre Ireland
- Be consulted on a wide range of major and minor decisions
How do I become a Member of SoundBoard?
Joining Soundboard is a great way to meet like-minded youth theatre members, be more involved in youth theatre nationally, and help raise the profile of youth theatre! Soundboard members are also occasionally asked to sit on panels for statutory bodies who seek a youth voice.
To apply to be a member of the Sounboard you must be:
- Aged 16 – 20
- A current member or leader of a Youth Theatre affiliated to Youth Theatre Ireland
- Motivated to contribute your time, skills and energy to the task as outlined
- Be a generous and collaborative team-player
- Able to commit to attending all the dates outlined in the application form.
When selecting the Youth Board we will give consideration to the following:
- Representation across the specified age-range
- Gender balance
- Geographic representation – urban/rural balance
Apply here.
More information is available by emailing Cathal Thornton